Tuesday, November 9, 2010

About my Term Research Paper

This research paper was quite interesting. I used Google Scholar to search for my scholarly sources and I utilized several major technology websites to aid me with my paper. I felt I knew a great deal about present day lifecasting but I was able to learn more about the history of lifecasting as well as many other sites that play a major role in lifecasting. I personally chosen this research topic because I was fascinated by the online community of websites such as Justin.tv. To be able to see various broadcasts and how individuals lifecast made me want to learn more about how it started. After further research, I have learned how great of an impact it has made on old and other new media. It has impacted television, radio, social networking sites and more. Live-streaming casts will become more popular. Lifecasting is broadcasting style that will continue to evolve and grow in the future but I do question how deeply engrossed humans will be with the internet and lifecasting.


  1. Your paper was very interesting! You chose a great topic to discuss! I'll be looking forward to reading your updates in the class Wiki pages. If you want you can create a new wiki page discussing some of this.

  2. Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'll consider it, granted when I have time.
